Tuesday, December 12, 2006

5 Days and Counting!!!!

Can you believe it? The time has come....Sudan is calling my name....(This is a pic of my sister Raeann who came to visit me this week and help me before I leave)

I have many prayer requests as the time is quickly approaching for our journey to Sudan. Please pass this sight around to all you know who will pray.... I love hearing from you. I and am so thankful for your love and support.

Please Pray for :

I am very sick right now. I have an infection that is causing me to cough, and now I am throwing up and can't fight it. I have been sick for about 3 weeks and will see the doctor again this week. I am also taking my typhoid medicine and malaria along with my normal prescriptions. Please pray for healing.
  • Amber: She is not sick, but needs her prescription (thyroid) refilled early this month so she has enough to make it through our trip. Blood work will prob. have to be done so pray she is willing to go ahead and get her get a refill before the blood work comes back.
  • Pray for Megan, Mike and Dr. Kelly. They are out of Liberia and headed to Uganda. There they will be seeing widowed Sudanese Refugees and medically attending to them until we arrive on Monday.
  • Pray for Titus (Amber and Vernon's son) He is getting very anxious about the journey. Pray for him to SLEEP on the plane as much as possible. Pray for him to not be scared of the Sudanese people but to take to them quickly.
  • Pray for Amber because she has a lot on her plate between now and Sunday. She is dealing with all the money, logistics and packing. And all of you mothers/wives know that just because you are busy doesnt mean your other responsibilites go away. Pray for balance and joy.
  • You may go HERE to check out videos and pictures and the latest on our entire team and more specifically about the orphanage and what is going on in Yei. (This blog here will be more on how I am doing personally.)
    • Thank you for all of your prayers....I am a little anxious at this point...getting everything done that needs to be done, packing, flying, etc, but I am really okay. Please just lift up our entire team in your prayers: Megan, Mike and Dr. Kelly, Amber & Vernon and their 2yr. old son Titus. We leave for Brussels on Sunday, arrive in Uganda Sunday night and arrive in Sudan on Monday. The anxiety is eating me...:)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rachelle!! I'm so excited for you! Only 3 more days and you'll be in Africa. That is amazing. I'm praying for you, and I'm so glad I'll be able to stay updated on how you're doing. I love you!