Friday, February 29, 2008

The Countdown Begins....

Drum roll please....(da da da da....)
After conference calls, phone calls, text messages, emails, a nice farewell lunch at the Ugly Mug and a good cry with my refugee families, I think I am almost ready to go.....
As Kate and I decide what we should and should not take, we are quickly reminded of the luxuries of America...and how much we really don't need to take to South Africa.
I have been reminded so much this week of how much others love me. A friend bought me a new backpack today-just because. Another friend helped me pack last night, even though she had to be up early for her meeting this morning, another brought me a devotional book we could go through together....and another ran errands with me and is setting up my new computer for me so I don't have to worry about it...I am telling you-I just don't understand it sometimes. Why amd I so blessed? Another friend went to target for me for my shopping....ahhhhh!!!!!
Kate's mom has been so incredible...from sending me a sweet card, to buying us medicine to help us with our crazy stomachs to just being so encouraging....blessing upon roommates leaving me with notes to open on my birhtday...I am telling you....I could go on and on and on....(sorry if I am forgetting...I am about to go run some more errands!!!!)
My family has called me this week to just talk...I love it. I love it. I just love my family and appreciate them being proud of me...I received a card from my brother in New York saying that he was so proud of me and was just excited for my trip. I am so blessed.
Kate and I are also just anticipating the road ahead....what we are going to encounter...and the unexpected. We pray that we would be able to communicate clearly to you all and be transparent as we see some hard stuff. Pray that we would truly be servants...that we would be sensitive to what the people are going through and that we would continue to have joy as we are there.
You may go HERE to see more of what we are doing and go HERE to keep an update from our church.
Peace, love and Africa.
-Rachelle and Kate

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