Monday, January 8, 2007

Monday, January 8

I spoke with Rachelle today as she has returned back to the village from the orphanage in Morobo. Thank you for praying for her time there. She had an amazing visit! They had a good time with the women they were able to share with and was so impressed by the children there. There is no electricity anywhere in Morobo. The kids would sing and pray every night before bed. It sounded like a highlight of her trip!

Tomorrow, she will leave for Uganda and stay there with the Bishop and his wife for a few days. Pray for this time together.

A quick update on Isaac ..... he is in need of a surgeon in the US to look at him to determine what his physical needs are. Rachelle will fill those of you in Memphis or with connections in Dallas that could help her in this area when she returns.

Pray for Rachelle's health to stay strong these last few days in Africa. Pray for her sleep, as she begins to readjust to US time zones soon. Pray for her to come home refreshed, with a clear vision, and many lessons and insight to share with us and use in her ministry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for the updates!!! i can't wait to see her, though i know she probably wants to stay longer. i know i would. :)