Friday, December 22, 2006

Another Hot One Here (And no, it's not me!)

Today was another day…a hot one! Megan and I spent time with the ladies doing the dance. It was fun!

Remember to go
HERE for continued updates on the orphanage and the team!

For those of you who know Mrs. Ruth, her sister, Isro visited me today!!! I will post our picture soon…Isro and her mother will visit me on December 27th for a couple days!!!! I WAS SO HAPPY TO SEE HER!!!! I hope you will let her know if you see her before I do! She looks just like Mrs. Ruth! That was the HIGHLIGHT of my day!!! I wasn’t expecting her until the 27th. Mrs. Ruth hasn't seen her mother in 13 years! She will be so happy when I return with video of her. She doesn't remember what she looks like....what a blessing to be here.

Also, I talked to Pete today and he is doing well. He is working his tale off, as always, and his class is doing great! I am so proud of him. Please pray for him as he is serving in Northern Sudan.

We had some orphans come today and Vernon spoke with the families. We won’t take them to Morobo. They will go to a different orphanage. It was hard to watch them all sit together and to see the innocence on their faces…just the plain innocence of not knowing what was next for them. I had to get up and walk away so they wouldn’t see me cry. There were seven of them from ages 3 to 12. The oldest cannot take care of them. Pray for them as they will head to a different orphanage in January.

Thank you to those who prayed for Beatrice. She wanted me to tell you thank you because she looked so much better today and felt so much better. She biked today to the compound just to practice the dance! It blows my mind! Please continue to pray for her as she is healing from malaria. She told me that she feels the prayers coming from our friends. Thank you so much.

Prayer Requests:
Megan: she is our nurse here (she doesn’t have a blog), so we are her prayer partners. Pray for discernment for her. She will be heading back in January and isn’t clear as far as the next step for her-here or the states. She is very familiar being overseas and is very good and HUMBLE at what she does, but needs clarification on where God wants her. She is definitely needed here, but wants to be where God wants her. We will be in Morobo tomorrow and then again the 4th-9th attending to the needs of kids and I will be her shadow!!! Pray for wisdom as she examines the children and that she would be able to access their needs and help them as she is here.

Please continue to pray for sleep through the night. Also, Christmas is coming up and the women will perform their dance….exciting. My health is improving and I am so thankful!!!

Oh, I found my toothbrush! Thanks!! I guess the cockroaches had a meeting and decided the joke was getting old…man, I am happy!!!

Today we went to Harvesters orphanage…it was so awesome!!! They have over 100 kids and it’s in a different part of Yei. It is American run, but have a lot of locals employed and running it also. It’s amazing to see how they are serving the children and teaching them at the school. There are over 400 kids at this school! We were able to play and just love on these kids!!! Amazing.

This morning Vernon, Mike, Megan and I discussed what it means to serve. I think we think it’s actually ‘doing’ something….but, it’s not. It doesn’t have to be. For us, here, at least Megan, Amber and I, it’s laughing with the women in the kitchen, or walking down the compound and dancing with a family or teaching them how to dance…it’s just simply relationship. Isn’t that how Christ did it? The absolute joy of laughter and relationship is so amazing and I have learned a new way to serve since I have been here.

Please continue to pray for Bishop Taban, Anna Grace, Mike, Amber, Vernon, Titus, Megan, Asunta, Fastena, Dennis and Brian...They are our main team here. Thank you.

I will try to update daily, but power here is on and off….so, please continue to post. They are VERY encouraging to me…
Good night (for me), good day to you!!


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your continued updates. I am so happy to hear how well you are doing. Seriously. Your joy is an example and an encouragement to me. You remain in my prayers. I love you. I miss you. Merry Christmas. :)

Anonymous said...

Ghetto Thug...I wish I was doing what you're doing for Christmas! What a gift to give! There's nothing like love!!! Merry Christmas!