Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Hey you all....
Please go to www.sudanskids.blogspot.com for update, video and pictures...

Also, read the previous posts to catch up on life here in Yei....


Much love...

Pray for me to sleep during the night....I am very tired during the day....which is at night for you all....


rodger said...

Hey you NUT! It's Jo-Jo!!! I miss you a lot and pray that you're safe. The sacrifices you make help me open my eyes to how selfish I can be. "Go play with your toys and your costumes... forget about the baaby." ha-ha! that should get a laugh. Rodger and I are going to visit the NUTTY NUTTY NUTTY NUTTY you know what one more NUTTY Aunt Tiny and CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY ISSUES Sarah Poo-poo. We'll send your love. Christmas was great-ish. They finally got clothes in my size (which is a small btw). And my favorite- The Devil Wears Prada dvd. And put your surprise face on- Dana started a fight at the x-mas eve party AGAIN for the 9th year in a row. She needs Jesus. :) Do what you gotta and come home- maybe back to KC this time around- we need you, too. love you and miss you!!! call anytime day or night... it doesn't matter what I'm doing- if you have a moment, I'll make sure to get your call. bye NUT

Anonymous said...

Hi Shell, this is your favorite uncle -- Rodney. Actually, it's Dick and Sallie here - how's your African Disney vacation going? Do you miss me? We're thinking about you and we hope you are safe. We wish you were home, but we know how important your work there is. We love you. Talk to us soon and let me know if we are getting our money's worth. Bye Bye sweetie!

Anonymous said...

hey sis. for the longest time i was on the other blog. i don't know. anyways, i miss you. work is getting a little better day by day - i am getting to know the kids more but also missing my other babies at Milton Moore. cockroaches huh? all i gotta say is that i totally understand. wonder if they are as big as the ones in mexico. ha. me rodger gena and jojo tried to do a dance video taught by ciera. it was probably one of the funniest things i've ever witnessed. you would have died laughing. seriously. died. i've never laughed so hard. wish you could have been there.
love you sis

rodger said...

Hola Shell. I'm getting ready to leave KC and go to California to visit Jesse for New Year's. Jimmy is about to come over so we can make our big breakfast feast before I go. We're making pancakes on dad's new electric skillet. Dad's taking me to the airport. Hope all is well, you NUT. Charter called and said they have an open spot for you if need be, although I'm not sure they'll accept you b/c you might be a little too insane. love you.